Never leave a burning candle unattended.

Never light a candle on or near anything that could catch fire.

Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets.

Never touch or move a burning candle, especially when the wax is hot and liquid.

Avoid burning a candle all the way down.

Avoid any foreign matter as wick trimmings or matches in the wax pool.

 Use a candleholder adjusted to the candle size and place the candleholder on a stable and heat-resistant surface.

Make sure the room is well ventilated and consider about 100 cm of overhead clearance above the candle to be sure that the flame and the heat can rise safely.

To prevent uneven burning, dripping, and even sooting, keep clear of any draughts such as ceiling fans or air conditioning.

Burn candles separately enough to avoid one’s heat melting the other.

For safe extinguishing, be careful when blowing out a candle in order to avoid hot wax dripping and splattering.
Never use water to put out a candle as it could cause hot wax splatter.

Always wait for complete extinguishing before touching or moving the candle or leaving it unattended.

Warm temperatures may melt the wax. Store candles in a dry cool place while they are not to be used.


Holder may get hot during use, be careful when handling and be sure it is placed on a heat resistant surface. Notice that when they are used as a refill for a hurricane candle, container’s heat may melt the wax around.

Votive candles:
Always use a holder made especially for votive candles. Do not pour off the the liquid wax. Holder may get hot during use, be careful when handling and be sure it is placed on a heat resistant surface.

Candles in a container:
Flame can create a considerable pool of hot melt wax and holder may also get hot during use, be careful when handling and be sure it is placed on a heat resistant surface. Never use water to put out a candle. It could cause hot wax splatter and the glass container could break due to thermal shock.

Floating candles:
Never burn too many candles at a time in one same container and be sure they burn away from other decoration items.

Scented candles:
According to scent composition, depending on percentage of fragrance in each candle and according on the size of the melt wax pool, the candle will perfume either intensely or softly.

Larger wicks:
Altar candles, outdoor candles and torches have larger wicks in order to have larger flames. Altar candles are designed for wide spaces such as church interiors and outdoor candles and torches can only be lit outdoors. Smother to extinguish flame. To avoid hot wax splatter, never use water to extinguish.

Birthday candles:
Caution! Candles are not edible and candles are not toys.